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Monday, May 6, 2013

The Auarian Principles (Draft)

1. Auaria's aim is, above all, to advance civilization, by any means necessary. Nothing is more important than Civilizational Advancement not Equalism, not capitalism, not Religion, not Secularism, NO -isms are ever more important. This is the First and most Fundamentally Important Principles of Auaria.

2. Auaria is a land, society or group of Immigrants. No one is born in Auaria. Those who are born have to go through the same immigration process when they turn 14 as everyone else. The process is known as The Ascension. Failure to Ascend the first time leads to The Fall for beings born in Auaria. For non-Auarian born, the third time they fail they will be subject to The Fall. The Fall is removal from the civilization. 

29. Auarians answer neither to gods nor men nor other beings, they answer only to Auaria.

1a. It takes only one Auarian for Auaria to exist. There will be no "different schools of Auaria" , no right, no left, no center. Auaria is absolute or not Auaria at all.

30. Auaria will never be a Welfare State, it will be a state, a society, a land where every Auarian has to earn their survival, Survival of only the fittest. 

2. Auarian Principles will not be amended or added to ever except by Mayhaan, any Auarian that tries to do this should be executed, if an Auarian society does this, they are no longer Auarian.

4. The screening process of Auaria ensures that most of the principles relating to crime and punishment need never be used, however, there are always exceptions, in these cases they will serve to maintain Auarian Ethos.


5a. Based on The First Principle of Auaria, CMVG is defined as The Civilizationally More Valuable Gender, CLVG is defined as Civilizationally Less Valuable Gender.

5b. The Principles of Auaria are based out of the heavily-researched, proven and universal truths that following these Principles will lead to happiness for both CMVGs and CLVGs.

3. Voting rights have to be earned in Auaria, a vote is weighted from 1 to 10, 10 being given to the individuals with the highest contribution and ability, 1 to individuals who demonstrate ability accepted as extraordinary by Mayhaan Standard. This right is re-evaluated every year. 

3b. Auarians getting any sort of aid from Auaria where their contributions are less than their consumptions will have no voting rights or have their voting rights rescinded. No more than 2.5% of the voting-age population may be made out of non-voters and every 2 years, the ones who remain in the 2.5% for 2 years or more should be executed. 

3c. Auaria's aim is to be a society of people who are universally able to earn the right to vote. Voting rights can be earned from the age of 14, casting of votes is allowed from the age of 35.

4. The Reproductively more valuable but Civilizationally less valuable gender will not be allowed to vote or influence decisions in any Auarian society.  This includes, as examples, Government, Judiciary, Military, Media or any organizations etc. They are not expected to ever truly understand and be what an Auarian is but shall be a part of Auaria for reproductive purposes only. Unless able to pass the tests to be Auarians, they shall not be given the rights of any CLVG Auarians, limited as CLVG Auarian rights are.

4b. A major Maxim of Auaria when interpreting laws is, The Law is the Law but it is subservient to being Right. If any Auarian can prove in their interpretation that the Law is being wrongly applied and an alternative is right and agrees fully with the Laws of Auaria when those laws are interpreted correctly, the Auarian must have his day. This will not change any Principles of Auaria but will be applied only to the case in question.

>>>>>>>Televised Govt. Proceedings?<<<<

>>>From Mayhaan
The principles I serve, do not give me emotional validation, they do not give me social validation, I do not seek these things.
I seek only to remain true to these principles
1. Honour
2. Loyalty
3. Respect
4. Justice
5. Truth
6. Love
And many more.
The perfect man is the same, never desiring validation, always serving these principles because he believes in them and fulfilling them gives him his own happiness and fulfillment.

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