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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Weissdom: Seduction & Masculine Virtue

Girls will listen to a Man’s pretty bullshit statements for staying over/etc/etc and STILL fuck him when they like him enough.

Bonus points if your « bullshit reason » was actually real and something you wanted to do: Masculine Virtue over Jaded bitches.

Weissdom: Nature

GENES ARE constantly learning throughout our lives, that’s why if someone has a major personality change during his life time, it is passed on to his kids.

Also, in partners, the one with a stronger and more dominant personality passed on their genes to their children in a way that the children are a tailored result of the dominant personalities’ impulses, weak Men have more girls, lower testosterone, more estrogen.  This is just one example.

Genes have all characteristics for every conceivable scenario coded in them , our lives and conscious actions and thoughts dictate what characteristics the genes switch on and off and to what degree of potency.

Weissdom: Societe

Why do the car salespeople stick like glue to customers? Their fear of their managers is greater than their fear of offending the customers. <— use this in social situations, have some motivation that is more powerful than the fear of rejection/ostracism/ridicule and you will Win.

Weissdom: Civilization

The problem of being Alpha among Men and beta among Females has led to much of the world’s Evils. We must eradicate this trait in Men. They must be Alpha with Men AND females BOTH.

Weissdom: Civilization

The problem of being Alpha among Men and beta among Females has led to much of the world’s Evils. We must eradicate this trait in Men. They must be Alpha with Men AND females BOTH.

Weissdom: Civilization

The problem of being Alpha among Men and beta among Females has led to much of the world’s Evils. We must eradicate this trait in Men. They must be Alpha with Men AND females BOTH.

Weissdom: Inner Nature

PATIENCE AND PERSEVERANCE at average or low IQ activities is mind numbingly boring and tedious to those with an IQ 120 and above…unfortunately most of the universe exists at a lower IQ so this tends to give dumber people and advantage by maximizing repetition and getting an edge….higher IQ people should be cognizant of this within them and work to improve this aspect and find ways of persevering in important activities that benefit their goals and life but is not high IQ.

Weissdom: Nature

The exposure of the full roundness of a female ass, both sides making a circle and the evident width of that heavenly circle is what makes the g-string the most erotic of all lingerie/beach wear.

Weissdom: Seduction


GIRLS WILL GO TO CLUBS, SOAK UP ALL THE FAWNING ATTENTION…THEN COME BACK and fuck an attractive Man in their group..use it to your advantage.

The "Club" in the 21st century can be equated to any situation, time or place where she will be put on a pedestal. Use this to destroy their strategies and have dominion over them.

Weissdom: Seduction

When girls are attracted to you but resist you, it is because they fear losing themselves under your dominance as a Man, losing their sentient identity in the desire to serve and fulfill their biological role to submit and they know they will lose control of their rationality.

Female rationality is fleeting, destructive, selfish and unreasonable, do not mourn it.

Weissdom: Politic

Immigration is never the problem, immigration of dumb people is. They are a drain on Civilization by their stupidity, short-sightedness and easily manipulated nature among other animalistic traits.

Weissdom: Societe

Men get Marrried in today’s world after having a live-in relationship, the reason the marriage break down is that they involve the state into something that was just between them and their girls.

And the state today is profiting from destroying Men and Girls’ natural roles in a reproductive partnership

Weissdom: Rule

For Men who have to preside over dumb people remember:

Religion with its discouragement of destructive sexual behavior is, comparatively, an enabler of civilization more than a destructor of Civilization compared to socially liberal destructive policies…..for people who are average or below average intelligence.

Weissdom: Strategie

Economic and social terrorism break the heart and mind, but humiliation breaks the Spirit.

Weissdom: Politic

The end game of a land based on unrestricted immigration, like the United States is that all the different races and ethnicities will immigrate and then colonize parts of the land and finally fragment into their own homogenous kingdoms or countries within that land.

A nation based on unrestricted immigration is a nation that will break itself apart and invite all of humanity to feast upon its flesh and divide it into chunks.

It is in the nature of Man to do this and the nature of Fools to ignore this.

Weissdom: Nature

When Men are ruthless, it is because they have to be. When girls are ruthless, it is because they Can be.

Weissverse: Adventure & Greatness in the blood of Men

It takes great courage to leave your friends and family behind and leave the place you are familiar with to seek new success in unknown lands with no guarantee of coming back or seeing your loved ones again, this is a quality Unique to Men and the reason why girls will NEVER be great adventurers.

It is evolutionary as well.